Getting customer service right in a clothes shop could be a bit tricky at times. How could you tell if your person just desires to browse and be left alone or is holding out for you to definitely come and help them? Getting hired wrong could be a tiny disaster, so it's a minefield at times. Ultimately, there isn't really a surefire method of telling. Many people just prefer an alternative kind of service. Here's a couple of ways to help you make certain customers get the most out of your shops.
Prepare yourself for questions. Your staff need to find out the ins and outs of everything in the store from the makes on the racks to the sizes for sale in the stockroom. Having staff that appear knowledgable increases the trust the customer has in them. Everyone's conscious that shop assistants are selling, but it'll always help should they really believe the assistant when they say "That looks great you!"
Associated with this really is having staff that have the fashion on sale. They don't necessarily have to dress in this style (although it's always advisable to have your employees wearing the stuff you sell), however they need to find out what works and what doesn't. For instance, in a niche shop like Cyberdog, the staff need to find out what they're selling, how it matches other items and whether it's right for a walk about town or an evening in a club. With those places the customer is normally clued up as well, so if they can tell the assistant doesn't know their stuff, they'll be put off.
In addition, you need to work through exactly how proactive you should be. It all depends on the sort of shop you want to run. In small boutique shops, it's perfectly fine to move up and ask if someone needs some assistance, whilst in other places it appears to be intrusive. It's up to you to generate the vibe of your shop and act accordingly to it. You'll usually be able to tell if someone looks lost and needs help, so make certain they think comfortable and let them know they can possess some advice if they need it. Make sure to remember though that pushy sales techniques don't work in shops unless the customer is specifically after advice. Waltzing around someone and telling them how great they'd try looking in the dress they're casually gazing at probably won't help much
Finally, be prepared for difficult customers. At some point you will get people attempting to scam you about refunds or complaining about the quality of something you've sold them. This is a fact of the business. You will need to work through ahead of time how you'll deal with these people. It will often be good to provide them a bit of slack even if you know they're attempting to pull a quick one, but don't let them take advantage. You don't wish to be called a smooth touch.